Liebster Award!!


I have recently been nominated for the Liebster Award. What an awesome honor! I’ve come across this award on other blogger’s sites but never thought I would get the chance to actually become nominated! As goofy as it is, this makes me excited! This award helps new blogs with under 500 followers gain exposure.

Here are the rules for this award:


  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to the nominee before you.
  3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated who also have 500 subscribers or less.
  4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees.

First things first, the awesome gal who nominated me is BubbleWrappedBlog. Her blog as she mentions, has a bit of “ADD.” There isn’t a topic that is off limits to this girl. This is one thing I love about following her…something new and different all the time!

Below are the answers to the questions she asked me:

1. What is your favorite piece of art?

I don’t have a favorite piece, however a girl I used to work with always posts her drawings on Facebook. I am in aww every time she posts a new one!

2. If you could go back to school for another degree (or a first one), what would it be?

I currently have an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. At my current job I am an Accounting Coordinator. I think if I went back to school, I would get my Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting; possibly Finance Accounting.

3. What is your favorite sweet treat?

This is such a hard question to answer! I originally went to school to become a pastry chef. After about a year, I realized that I enjoyed baking more as a hobby than a career. I have tried quite a few different treats but my favorite has to be tiramisu. The creamy, coffee flavors are just delicious!

4. Name the #1 song you’ve been listening to lately.

Carolina by Parmalee

5. Are there any books that you regret reading?

I’m not a huge reader so this one is kind of hard to answer. Of all the books I have read, I don’t believe I regret reading any of them.

6. What’s the #1 beauty product you would recommend to others?

I would have to recommend Garnier Moisture Rescue Moisturizer. It’s my holy grail of face products. I can’t continue my day until I’ve applied this…crazy!

7. What was the last movie that made you cry?

This is so sad…but I literally cry at everything! My fiancé always rolls his eyes at me because he know when I’m about to burst into tears at a movie or television show. I know this isn’t a movie but just last week I cried at the TV show Chicago Fire. I think I’ve honestly cried at least once during every one of those shows. It’s pathetic but I just get so involved in the shows!

8. Do you have any tattoos? 

I don’t! I contemplated getting a small cartoon owl on my wrist but have chickened out. I feel that the older I get the more the want disappears. 😦

9. Hulu or Netflix?

I’ve used Netflix more than Hulu so I’d have to go with Netflix.

10. What is your spirit animal? 

I took a small quiz to see what my spirit animal was…I am a Wolf. Here is what the results said: “Family comes first” could be a Wolf’s motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you’d do anything to protect them. You’re loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.

Now it’s my turn. I have enjoyed following these beauty bloggers and hope you will also! Check them out.

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award:

1. ninarossbeauty

2. The Amateur Indian

3. WhatSheDoesNow

4. Legally Redhead

5. Destanesfab

6. Bubbles & Blush

7. Aishas Beauty Blog

8. Coconut and Cotton

9. Clicks Beauty Blog

10. BeautyBarginsBlog

(I’m sorry if any of you have been nominated before!!)

Here are my 10 questions for the nominees:

1. What is a current trend that you will be glad to see disappear?

2. If you had to wear one color of nail polish for a year straight, what color would it be?

3. Which season do you get excited for?

4. What do you look forward to on your weekends?

5. Do you prefer high-end make-up or cheaper versions?

6. What inspired you to begin blogging?

7. Lip Gloss, Lip Balm, or Lipstick…which can you not leave the house without?

8. How often are you willing to try out new beauty products?

9. What is your favorite post that you’ve posted?

10. All time favorite beauty product is….?


You all have such awesome blogs and posts each day that I’m super excited to read your answers and encourage everyone to check out each of their pages!

