Chocolate Truffles

I decided to start my baking today which included a special treat that I actually haven’t made in about 5 or so years; my chocolate truffles.

They are delicious little chocolate ganache filled candies. These are more than time consuming and definitely labor intensive, but despite that they are full of love and chocolatey goodness!



Halloween Sweets & Treats


I loved trick or treating when I was younger. Especially getting home and dumping the loot on the floor and having a hay day! Now having my own home I get to bring that joy to other children.

Each year I try to get different kinds of candy to switch it up but seem to always stick to my favorites. I loved all the bite size chocolate bars..especially the Hershey’s, Kit Kat, and Twix. Can’t you tell?! Haha. I also enjoyed the hard candy like Sweet Tarts and Bottle Caps. Though there were some I wasn’t a fan of. I’m not even quite sure what they’re call but they are wrapped in the black and orange wrappers and are more of a peanut butter (I think) flavor. Gross! Also candy corn! They are so cute and every time I think, “Oh they aren’t that bad!”, then I end up spitting it in the trash. Yuck!

What are/were some of your favorites from Halloween and what kind made you cringe when you saw it in your bag?

Woooooooo…Happy Halloween!!